Abyssorchomene abyssorum
Male: Antenna 1 shorter than antenna 2; flagellum article 1 as long as remaining articles combined. Antenna 2 less than 40% of body length; calceoli present. Eyes present, colourless in alcohol. Lateral cephalic lobes broadly rounded. Maxilliped palp 4-articulate; inner plate poorly developed, not reaching half length of outer plate.
Gnathopod 1 subchelate; coxa large, about as long as coxa 2, subrectangular with concave anterior margin; ischium short; carpus compressed, distinctly shorter than propodus; propodus margins subparallel, palm transverse. Gnathopod 2 chelate; carpus at least twice as long as propodus; dactylus minute. Pereopod 5 coxa equilobate; basis distinctly longer than broad. Coxa 6 equilobate.
Epimeron 1 anterodistal corner acute; epimeron 3 posterodistal corner rounded to slightly acute. Urosomite 1 with dorsal depression. Uropod 1 rami subequal; uropod 2 rami distinctly unequal, inner ramus without marginal constriction(s); uropod 3 rami distinctly unequal, outer ramus 2-articulate, article 2 short. Telson almost twice as long as broad, moderately to deeply cleft.
Female (sexually dimorphic characters): Calceoli absent from antennae.
10 mm.
Bathyal to abyssal.